
Yeditepe Üniversitesi Koşuyolu Hastanesi Konferans Salonu

World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Day Event

07 July 2024
Yeditepe Üniversitesi Koşuyolu Hastanesi Konferans Salonu

A Meeting to Raise MS Awareness Will Be Held at Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a problem that affects 2.5 million people worldwide, most of whom are young and productive. Moreover, since it is a disease of young people, it is of great concern to public health. In order to raise awareness on this issue, a meeting for patients and their relatives will be held on Sunday, July 7, in cooperation with the Turkish Multiple Sclerosis Association and Yeditepe University Hospitals.Pointing out that there have been significant developments in the…

Tamamını Oku
12. Istanbul Yaşargil Microneurosurgery Course

12. Istanbul Yaşargil Microneurosurgery Course

29 May 2024
Koşuyolu, Koşuyolu Cd. No: 168, 34718 Kadıköy/İstanbul

Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hastaneleri Beyin…

Tamamını Oku
1. Yeditepe Aritmi Sempozyumu

1. Yeditepe Arrhythmia Symposium

22 July 2022

1. Yeditepe Arrhythmia Symposium 2022'' will take place on July 22, 2022, at Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital. The symposium aims to contribute to the education of electrophysiologists and cardiologists in Turkey. The symposium will evaluate some specific areas of Complex Electrophysiology, and a live case presentation will be conducted by Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Tolga Aksu from the catheterization laboratory. Attendance to the meeting is limited to 50 people. To Download the Program, Click Here For Registration Fee and Information:…

Tamamını Oku
6. İstanbul Mikronöroşirürji Kursu

6th Istanbul Microneurosurgery Course

11 December 2017
Yeditepe Üniversitesi Koşuyolu Hastanesi

Yeditepe University Hospital's Department of Neurosurgery organized the 6th "Istanbul Microneurosurgery Course" this year, held between June 10 and 19. Throughout the course, Prof. Dr. Gazi Yaşargil shared his experiences with brain surgeons from many countries around the world. The course where the "Brain Surgeon of the Century," Prof. Dr. Gazi Yaşargil, who is the first name that comes to mind worldwide when it comes to brain surgery, shared his experiences, took place under the directorship of Prof. Dr. Uğur Türe, the Head of the Department of Neurosurgery at Yeditepe University…

Tamamını Oku
Yeditepe University Hospital Doctors Met with Patients Who Underwent Kidney Transplantation

Yeditepe University Hospital Doctors Met with Patients Who Underwent Kidney Transplantation

23 January 2019

Yeditepe University Hospital doctors met with patients and their families who underwent kidney transplant. During the organized breakfast event, Hüsmen Akgün and Hasan Özdemir, who regained their health with kidneys from the same cadaver, embraced each other, leaving a mark with the words 'We are kidney siblings.' Yeditepe University Hospital has brought a new breath to the social lives of patients, even after they have recovered, by maintaining communication and meetings. Patients who underwent kidney transplants at Yeditepe University Hospital had the…

Tamamını Oku
7. İstanbul Mikronöroşirürji Kursu

7. İstanbul Microneurosurgey Course

11 December 2017

"Istanbul Microneurosurgery Course", which will be organized this year by Yeditepe University Hospital Brain and Nerve Surgery Department, will be held between 26-29 January 2017. During the course, Prof. Dr. Gazi Yaşargil will also be sharing his experiences with neurosurgeons from many countries around the world. When it comes to brain surgery, the first name that comes to mind in the world is "Neurosurgeon of the Century" Prof. Dr. The course, where Gazi Yaşargil will share his experiences, will be attended by Yeditepe University Hospital Head of the Department of Brain and…

Tamamını Oku
Hemşirelik Sempozyumu | 2023

Nursing Symposium | 2023

16 May 2023
Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital Conference Hall

We would like to thank all nurses and nurse candidates who are indispensable in the field of healthcare. Happy Nurses Day! ''Nursing Symposium'' will take place on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, between 12.30-16.30 at Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital Conference Hall.

Tamamını Oku
8. İstanbul Mikronöroşirürji Kursu

Istanbul Hands on Microvascular Anastomosis Course

10 November 2019

Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hastanesi Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Bölümü tarafından bu yıl düzenlenecek olan “İstanbul Mikronöroşirürji Kursu”, 29 Ocak - 1 Şubat 2018 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilecek. Beyin cerrahisi denildiğinde dünyada akla gelen ilk isim olan “Yüzyılın Beyin Cerrahı” Prof. Dr. Gazi Yaşargil’in deneyimlerini paylaşacağı kurs, Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hastanesi Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı Başkanı Prof. Dr. Uğur Türe’nin direktörlüğünde gerçekleşecek. Dünyanın dört bir yanından beyin cerrahlarının ve özel davetle gelen eğitmenlerin katılımı ile gerçekleşen…

Tamamını Oku
11. İstanbul Yaşargil Mikronöroşirürji Kursu

11. Istanbul Yaşargil Microneurosurgery Course

16 August 2023

Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hastaneleri Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Bölümü tarafından bu yıl onbirincisi düzenlenen “11.İstanbul Yaşargil Mikronöroşirürji Kursu” iki ayrı oturumla  16-19  Ağustos 2023 ve  20-22 Ağustos 2023 tarihlerinde 09.00 - 18.00 saatleri arasında gerçekleştirilecek. Başvuru ve detaylı bilgi için İstanbul Microneurosurgery web sitesini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.  

Tamamını Oku
14 Mart Tıp Bayramı Konferansı

Medicine Day Conference

14 March 2022

Konferans Linki:  Meeting ID: 876 2092 9934Passcode: 940785

Tamamını Oku
Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma ve Sağlık İlişkisi

Relationship between Sustainable Development and Health

04 March 2021

14 Mart 2021, Pazar saat 19.00'da gerçekleşecek online etkinliğe davetlisiniz. Zoom üzerinden etkinliğe katılmak için tıklayınız. Meeting ID: 841 4830 6694Passcode: 854299

Tamamını Oku
10th Istanbul Yasargil Microneurosurgery Course

10th Istanbul Yasargil Microneurosurgery Course

18 June 2019

10th Istanbul Microneurosurgery Course, organized by the Department of Brain and Nerve Surgery of Yeditepe University Hospital, will take place between 19 - 22 June 2019 and 23 - 28 June 2019 at 09:00 - 17:00. You can visit Microneurosurgery Course website for more information and to get detailed information. Başvuru ve detaylı bilgi için web sitesini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.…

Tamamını Oku