Hormone disorders, which are an important health problem that affects the quality of life of many women, can be an indicator of many different underlying diseases. Gynecology and Obstetrics In Vitro Fertilization Specialist Op. Dr. Zeki SALAR said that hormone disorders, which manifest themselves with different symptoms, from menstrual irregularities to excessive weight gain, from hair loss to skin problems and inability to become pregnant, affect the physical and mental health of women and also cause a decrease in their quality of life. Op. Dr. SALAR said that all hormonal disorders diagnosed on time can be treated, but when left untreated, the problem becomes chronic.
Harmony and are responsible for the smooth and flawless maintenance of all our body functions such as eating, drinking, digestion, sleeping, learning, movement and reproduction. Most women may face hormonal disorders at some point in their lives. For this reason, it is especially important for women's health.
Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital Gynecology, Obstetrics and In Vitro Fertilization Specialist explains that hormones are effective and necessary in many areas such as regular menstruation, pregnancy, birth, hair growth, acne, mood disorders, and weight changes. Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can lead to fertility problems and chronic diseases. “On the other hand, we see that imbalances in thyroid hormones slow down the metabolism and cause problems such as fatigue, depression and difficulty in weight control.” he said.
Underlining that hormone balance is of critical importance for the detection and treatment of the underlying problem and a healthy life, Gynecology, Obstetrics and In Vitro Fertilization Specialist gave the following information about the signs that women should pay attention to;
“The symptoms of hormone disorders in women are quite diverse and can affect different systems of the body. Menstrual irregularities take the first place among common complaints. Hormonal disorders should be considered when menstruation is more frequent or less frequent than normal, when menstruation is absent for a long time, or when pain or cramping is felt intensely. In addition, rapid weight gain in general, especially in the abdominal area, or inability to lose weight despite diet and exercise, acne, hair loss or excessive hair growth, and a significant decrease in sexual desire are also among the symptoms. Hormonal disorders also have a close relationship with reproductive health. For this reason, it is important to identify and treat disorders that may cause this condition in women who have difficulty getting pregnant or have recurrent miscarriage problems. However, since the symptoms we mentioned may be caused by different reasons such as diabetes and ovarian cysts, these symptoms must be taken seriously and the underlying causes must be determined.”
Gynecology, Obstetrics and In Vitro Fertilization Specialist said that when looking at the most common hormone disorders in women, the underlying causes may vary depending on age and explained the following on the subject:
“With adolescence, complaints of increased hair growth, acne, and inability to become pregnant in the younger age group may indicate polycystic ovary syndrome. Thyroid diseases should be suspected in cases of weight problems, hair breakage, sleep disorders, palpitations and pregnancy loss. Menstrual irregularities, prolonged menstrual bleeding, hormone-producing ovarian cysts that can cause inability to get pregnant and breast cysts, and prolactin hormone disorders that can cause menstrual irregularities that negatively affect pregnancy can also cause hormone disorders in women. Similarly, diabetes can affect the whole body and lead to inability to lose weight, fatigue and even pregnancy loss.”
Underlining that the problem of hormonal disorders is closely related to women's reproductive health, Gynecology, Obstetrics and In Vitro Fertilization Specialist said, “Women's fertility capacity depends on the regular and balanced functioning of hormones. Therefore, hormone disorders can affect ovulation, making it difficult to get pregnant. For example, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can prevent ovulation and lead to infertility, while very common hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause menstrual irregularities, ovulation and pregnancy problems. Hormones play a critical role not only in the process of conception but also in the healthy progression of the pregnancy process. Likewise, hormone disorders can lead to various complications such as the risk of miscarriage or gestational diabetes and preeclampsia during pregnancy. In addition, menopause is one of the periods when hormonal changes are most intense. "During this process, the decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels can lead to various health problems," he said.
Gynecology, Obstetrics and In Vitro Fertilization Specialist said that in order to solve hormonal disorders and related problems, women's consciousness and awareness should first be increased on this issue and continued: "Solving chronic problems is difficult and takes more time. For this reason, as soon as complaints arise, you should definitely consult a gynecologist and obstetrician to prevent problems before they progress. When necessary, the patient's treatment is carried out together with internal medicine and endocrinology specialists. "It should not be forgotten that problems can be solved more easily and quickly thanks to early diagnosis."
Our expert says that all hormonal disorders can be treated with timely and accurate diagnosis: "With appropriate drug treatment, women with hormonal problems can get rid of skin problems, have regular menstrual cycles, lose weight problems, and get pregnant easily and give birth without any problems." However, patients' compliance with the treatment is also important for the treatment to be successful. "It is also necessary to make lifestyle changes such as healthy eating, exercise and adequate sleep." he said.
“However, as with all health problems, the underlying problems of patients who do not receive timely and correct treatment will become chronic, and their physical and mental health will be seriously affected,” said our expert, and concluded his words as follows: “One of the issues that many people wonder about is whether hormone disorders are related to cancer. Namely, although hormonal disorders do not usually cause a problem such as cancer, they can cause some cancers to progress rapidly. For example, ovarian cysts that constantly produce estrogen hormone can cause cysts in the breast to grow and, if there are cancer cells, the process leading to cancer can progress rapidly.”
Alo Yeditepe