26 Ağustos 2005 tarihinde kurulan Yeditepe Üniversitesi Kozyatağı Hastanesi, 190 yatak kapasitesiyle akıllı sistemlerle donatılmış alt yapısı ve teknolojisiyle hizmet vermektedir.
Yanmaz, çizilmez ve anti bakteriyel malzemeler ile donatılan hastanede insan sağlığı için gereken ayrıntılar üzerinde titizlikle durulmuştur. Sterilizasyona büyük önem verilen Yeditepe Üniversitesi Kozyatağı Hastanesi'nde, manuel dezenfeksiyonun yanı sıra tüm hasta yatakları yüksek sıcaklıkta su püskürtme sistemi ile yıkanabilmektedir.
Yeditepe Üniversitesi Kozyatağı Hastanesi Görüntüleme Merkezi'nde yer alan Multislice CT (çok kesitli bilgisayarlı tomografi), 3 Tesla MR, PET-CT (kanserli hücreleri tanıyan) ve Gama Kamera, teşhis ve tedavide kolaylık sağlayan güncel teknolojiye sahip cihazlardan bazılarıdır.
Bilgisayar teknolojisinin etkin olarak kullanıldığı Yeditepe Üniversitesi Kozyatağı Hastanesi'nde, Hastane Bilgi Sistemi (HIS) yazılımından yararlanılıyor. Bu yazılım, hem hasta bilgilerinin hızla toplanıp işlenerek, tanı ve tedavide kullanılabilmesine olanak tanıyor, hem de hastaya özel tahlil, film, laboratuvar sonuçları gibi bilgilerin, bilgisayar ortamında sunulmasını ve saklanmasını sağlıyor. Bu sistemle doktorlar hastane dışındayken de hasta takibini elektronik ortamda yapabiliyor. Hasta yakınlarına zaman kazandırıyor.
You can apply to the Patient Hospitalization Department for your hospitalization procedures. Our hospitalization officer will initiate your hospitalization procedures in line with your reservation and will ask you to fill in and sign the hospital forms.
Please have the following documents with you to carry out the admission procedures:
After your hospitalization procedures are completed, one of our staff will take you to your room with your belongings.
Patients or their relatives will be informed periodically by the Patient Discharge Officer about the treatment costs incurred during hospitalization.
For patients who do not have private health insurance or whose approval cannot be obtained from the insurance institution, a certain amount of 75% of the average amount of information can be requested as an advance payment during the patient hospitalization process. Payment requests by check and bills are not accepted.
After your doctor informs your nurse that you can be discharged, your procedures on the floor (such as the preparation of your file, accounts, and reports) will be initiated as quickly as possible by the Patient Discharge Officer. After these procedures are completed, your file will be delivered to the Patient Discharge Department by our Floor Secretary Officer. Your invoice will be made ready for payment by completing the final checks by the Patient Discharge Department and completing the institutional authorization procedures/cash payment preparation procedures. All these procedures may take between 30 minutes and 2 hours. After your transactions are completed, you will be directed to the Patient Discharge Department. You will be given explanations about your invoice and after making the necessary payments, you will have completed your discharge procedures.
Our Hospitalization Officer will wear your ID bracelet with your name, surname, hospital protocol number, and date of birth on your arm. Please do not remove this wristband, which will become your identity in the hospital, until you are discharged. If it wears out or comes off, you must inform your department nurse.
The healthcare team taking care of you will check the accuracy of your information with a wristband containing your identity information before medication applications, examinations, and some radiological procedures. After you are admitted to your hospitalization floor, you will be questioned by your nurse about your allergies and if you are allergic to any substance, you will be given a red-colored wristband.
All Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital employees carry an ID card with their names and duties on it so that you can recognize the medical and administrative team caring for you. If a person without an ID card is taking care of you, for your safety, please ask who they are and do not allow him/her to give you any treatment or procedure. During your stay at our hospital, all staff responsible for you will identify themselves. You can ask them any questions about your treatment and care and ask them to contribute to your care. Being part of your treatment plan is your most important responsibility and right. All staff, from physicians to nurses to administrative staff, will ensure that your diagnosis and treatment process are safe and comfortable.
During your stay in our hospital, many physicians may be involved in your treatment. However, the physician who makes the hospitalization decision will be responsible for you. The physician who approves your admission will organize and follow up on your treatment during your stay. Once you are settled in your room, our physicians will make their first visit and review the information in your file and the medications you were taking before your hospitalization. They will organize the medications you will take and the diet you will follow during your hospitalization according to your treatment. If necessary, they will coordinate with other medical departments and decide when you will be discharged. If there is a floor physician in the department where you are hospitalized, they will take care of you in all processes together with your responsible physician during your stay in our hospital.
The nursing team is one of the most important members of the health care team. Our nurses will help you in your treatment and care process by evaluating the patient as a whole in physical, psychological, and social terms. They will support you to receive treatment in a safe care environment by administering your treatment in a timely and accurate manner and sharing information about your health with your physician and other relevant healthcare team members. They will provide you with the necessary information and training you need while you are in the hospital and before you are discharged. If there is anything you need to consult about nursing services, you can contact the nurse in your department.
During treatment and care, the pharmacist will work with our doctors and nurses to organize your medication. They will adjust your medication doses and take the necessary precautions to ensure that you do not suffer from side effects.
The dietitian works in coordination with physicians and nurses to prepare a diet that best suits your needs and treatment. Considering your calorie needs and medication regimen, the dietitian prepares a completely customized nutrition program when necessary.
As long as you are in our hospital, they always work to assist you with all kinds of information about the use of your room, assistance in solving problems, making the necessary appointments, and discharge procedures.
To prevent infections, you and your relatives should observe good hand hygiene. Therefore, wash your hands frequently. At Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital, there are hand sanitizers in all patient care areas and in front of patient rooms.
Wash your hands;
Please pay attention to the following points to ensure that your treatment is carried out correctly and effectively during your stay at our hospital:
During your treatment in the hospital, your risk of falling may be higher than in your daily life. Medications, interventions, and surgical interventions are the main reasons that increase the risk. Read the "Patient Fall Prevention Brochure" carefully to minimize your risk of falling.
For your safety, please observe the following precautions:
Your contribution to your treatment and care is very important. Your participation in your treatment and care plan is essential so that you know what is being done and why.
During your admission, our care team will be there for all your needs. Your family and friends may also notice small changes in your patient. These changes - changes in breathing or unusual confusion or problems with thinking - may indicate that something is wrong or that your patient's condition may become serious.
If you feel that something is not right with your patient, please contact your nurse.
Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital accepts the principle of evaluating the pain problem and applying the necessary pain treatment, which is the personal right of every patient. One of our primary goals is to ensure that our medically compromised patients can benefit from pain assessment and treatment opportunities at every stage of their treatment.
In order for you to benefit from these opportunities;
At the end of your treatment, your discharge time will be determined by your doctor. When you are discharged, you can get information about what you need to do for your continued care, your follow-up appointments, medications, physical therapy, other rehabilitation needs, and nutrition. When discussing your post-discharge care with your physician, taking notes or asking for written information will help you remember the details of your treatment.
During the interview, do not hesitate to ask questions and note down the answers. As you continue your care at home, please take care to follow the recommendations below:
During your stay at our hospital, you can call the call center 24/7 for all your requests, suggestions, and complaints, and you can also contact the Patient Communication Department during working hours. You can reach the Patient Communication Department at 4073 or send an e-mail to infohastane@yeditepe.edu.tr.
There may be issues on quality and safety that you would like to communicate to "Joint Commission International (CI)". You can access detailed information for these notifications on the JCI web page.
After you enter the room, your floor secretary/department nurse will introduce the room and the items in the room and show you how to use the items.
There are two separate systems in patient rooms to facilitate access to our nurses in case of need. In the system located on the panel at the bedside of your bed, you need to press the red button. Our nurse who hears the warning signal will be with you as soon as possible. The cable system in the restroom alerts the staff at the nurse's desk. Our nurse who hears the warning signal will be with you as soon as possible.
Please take care to stay with your companion in your room during your stay. Companion accommodation and meals are included in your room rate. You can ask the Auxiliary Staff for sheets, pique, and pillows for your companion if necessary. If there is no one to accompany you, especially if you are at high risk of falling, you can inform your department nurse to make the necessary arrangements.
You should only bring the necessary and important things to the hospital with you. It is very important to protect your glasses, dentures, or hearing aids. Please do not forget these items and do not leave them wrapped in paper/napkins.
Inside your locker, there is an electronically locked safe to store cash, valuable documents, and belongings that you may have with you. Our hospital is not responsible for lost items left outside the safe. You can learn how to use the safe from the "Safe Usage Guide".
You can use the telephone on your bedside table to make internal calls within the hospital and receive calls from outside. The room number is the four-digit number printed on the phone. When you want to make an in-hospital call, just dial the extension number.
When you want to make a call outside the hospital, please dial "0" for the switchboard and inform the operator of your external call request. Your relatives who want to talk to you from outside should call our hospital switchboard (578 40 00) and code the internal number written on the phone or ask the switchboard to connect the phone number of the room.
Each patient room has a television with remote control. The television has a 54-channel Digiturk and Lig TV system. The list of television channels is included in the introductory file. Please pay attention to the sound so as not to disturb other patients.
Inside your locker, there is a mini fridge for your personal use. Please do not leave the refrigerator door open. Please do not keep food in the rooms for your safety and infection control.
For the health of our patients, food and beverages are not accepted from outside the hospital. When you receive inpatient service in our hospital, you will receive service for the following meals.
You can choose your meal from the special menu that will be given to you by our service staff. Dietitians have calculated daily menus and quantities, taking into account the nutritional values of each meal.
Our hospital offers wireless internet service. If you have any problems with the connection, please notify the floor secretary or your service nurse.
You can use the sockets in the bathroom and on the room wall to operate your appliances. We kindly ask you not to use appliances such as kettles in your room as this may cause technical problems. The lights in your room are controlled by the switches on the entrance wall. Please make sure that you only use the switches that turn your room lights on and off.
In-room heating and cooling processes are carried out by a central computer system. The system of our hospital also ensures that the air inside is cleaned. For this reason, our hospital does not have a window system that opens to the outside. You can adjust the temperature of the room and the operating speed of the air conditioning system by means of the thermostat mounted on the wall at the entrance of your room. Room windows are kept closed for the safety of our patients.
The housekeeping staff cleans the room every day. Please inform your service nurse about any other cleaning requests. You can use the household waste bins in your bathroom for general waste. Please inform the department nurse about your sharp and piercing waste.
The patient satisfaction survey is designed to inform your opinions about the service you receive and to improve the service we provide. As a result of this responsibility, it is very important for us that you fill out the "Inpatient Satisfaction Survey" before your discharge.
A newspaper of your choice will be left in your room free of charge. Our floor secretary will find out your newspaper preference from you and the newspaper you prefer to read will be brought to your room in the morning.
In line with your faith, you can inform the chaplain you would like to see, the floor secretary on the floor, or the department nurse. The Patient Communication Department will assist you with your request. The prayer room in our hospital is located on the 2nd floor.
There are ATMs near the back entrance door of our hospital. You can get help from your department nurse and the floor secretary for guidance.
Our dining room service is available 24/7. The restaurant on the 2nd floor of our hospital is open 7 days a week between 08:00 and 21:00 and offers room service. The cafeteria on the ground floor of our hospital is open 7 days a week between 08:00 and 24:00 and offers room service.
Live flowers are not accepted in our hospital to prevent infection. Flowers on your behalf will be accepted by our staff and you will be informed by phone. You can receive your flower when you apply to the Information Desk during discharge.
Security services at our hospital are uninterrupted 24 hours a day for your peace of mind. All public areas of our hospital are monitored by a closed-circuit camera system. If you have any questions, you can call the number 4300.
Relatives of martyrs, veterans, and their relatives, and our disabled guests can benefit from free parking. You can also benefit from valet service in our hospital for a fee.
Our visiting hours are between 09:00-22:00. Children under the age of 12 are not accepted for visits due to the risk of possible infection. Children over 12 years old can visit patients accompanied by an adult. In special cases, after 22:00, visitors can only enter through the Emergency Room door. Your visitors must leave the room while you are being cared for. Ask your visitors to wash their hands before entering your room or use the hand sanitizers in front of the room. Thank you for not accepting more than two visitors at the same time for your health, limiting the duration of your visit to 15 minutes, and following social rules to avoid disturbing other patients on the floor and not making noise.
Our patients have the right to request and receive information through themselves or their legal representatives as detailed below.
Our patients have the right to demand;