Özlem Durmuş Arın, M.D.

Specialist Doctor Özlem Durmuş Arın, M.D.

Internal Medicine

Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital

Faculty and Graduation Year

Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, 1997



Fields of Study

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Insulin resistance
  • Hypertension ,hyperlipidemia
  • Tyroid diseases
  • Anemias
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Heart failure
  • Acute upper and ower respiratory diseases
  • Gastroentestinal track deseases (stomach and bowels)

Career Summary

  • 2006-2020 : İnternal medicine specialist MD, Acibadem Kozyatagi Hospital, İstanbul
  • 2004-2006 : İnternal medicine specialist MD ,Gemlik Muammer Agim State Hospital, Bursa
  • 2003-2004 : İnternal medicine specialist MD ,Göztepe SSK Research Hospital, İstanbul

Board Certifications

  • 2008 : Qalification exam certificate of achievement given by the İnternal medicine Association  
  • 2002 :  Qalification exam certificate of achievement given by the İnternal medicine Association 


  • Internal Medicine Society 
  • Metabolic Syndrome Society
  • Turkish Medical Association

Place and Year of Specialization

Internal Diseases Specialization Training, SSK Göztepe Training Hospital, 2nd Internal Diseases Clinic, 2003

Foreign Languages


Number of Publications in Turkish

5, Poster: 7