The specialists are quite strict about salt consumption as well as their uncompromising attitude to sugar. Taking into account the research conducted, doctors emphasize that three times more salt is consumed in Turkey than usual and say, "Remove salt from your life." So why is salt such a threat to health, how does it cause changes in your body? Here's what you need to know about salt...
It is known that there is a strong relationship between hypertension, which is one of the common diseases in our country, and salt consumption. Drawing attention to the fact that according to the research of the Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases, three times more salt is consumed in Turkey than usual, Yeditepe University Hospital Internal Diseases Department Nephrology Specialist Prof. Dr. Gülçin Kantarcı says that along with smoking, salt consumption also constitutes a significant issue in terms of hypertension. Prof. Dr. Gülçin Kantarcı answered our questions on the subject.
Table salt, which we have been using for centuries to increase the storage time of food, contains sodium and chlorine. These elements are used by our cells to perform various functions. Sodium is so important to keep the volume of fluid in the body balanced due to its water-retaining property. It is also an element needed to ensure transmission in our nerve cells.
Under normal conditions, the natural salt content of foods meets our needs even if we do not add salt to foods. In some cases, when there is salt loss from the kidneys through urine, the salt content of foods may fall short, but apart from that, it is sufficient to consume foods in their natural form without adding salt. There is no need to add extra salt. We often add salt to meals after cooking to have them suit our taste. We should abandon this behavior.
There is a strong relationship between salt intake and hypertension. As salt consumption increases, the risk of hypertension increases. This is proven by the fact that hypertension is more common in societies consuming excessive salt. For example, according to a study conducted by the Turkish Hypertension and Kidney Diseases Association, three times more salt is consumed in Turkey than usual. Our country's average daily salt consumption is 18 grams, which is quite a high amount.
The average daily salt consumption in Western societies is 9-12 grams. In our case, on the other hand, the amount of salt taken with bread alone is 7.2 grams on average per day. The difference is huge.
The salt restriction will be helpful at all hypertension levels, as it will reduce blood pressure. The restriction of salt can normalize blood pressure in mild hypertension. In severe hypertension, on the other hand, it may help reduce the amount of medication used. The daily amount of salt allowed is 5-6 grams to prevent and treat hypertension.
There is much more salt in tomato paste, potato chips, instant soup, biscuits, cakes, sausages, pickles, olives, instant sauces, dried fruits, and nuts, canned foods, as well as processed and frozen foods than we need. All prepared foods are a hidden source of salt, although they do not leave the taste of salt on the palate.
In some people, high blood pressure is more susceptible to salt intake. This trait may be passed down through genes from either the mother or father. So some people may be predisposed to hypertension due to their innate characteristics. On the other hand, due to several genetic differences in the salt retention mechanism of the kidneys, some individuals may develop earlier and more severe hypertension if environmental factors also support this. Such people should be more careful about using salt than others.
Excessive weight is a significant risk factor for hypertension. Therefore, it is important to prefer low-fat foods and do sports. In addition, smoking is also a risk factor for hypertension and must be avoided.
Patients should have their blood pressure measured regularly and take medication under the supervision of a doctor as needed.
Alo Yeditepe