Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serhat Tunç stated that children should be in communication and interact with their fathers as well as their mothers for healthy development, and said, "Otherwise, self-confidence and socialization problems will be inevitable."
In the development process of the child, it is generally thought that the mother is at the forefront. However, Yeditepe University Hospitals Psychiatrist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serhat Tunç, who stated that the father has a central role as well as the mother, explained the importance of the father figures for children as follows…
As Lacan, the French psychoanalyst, and psychiatrist, put it, "Every demand of man is in love." Sharing responsibility for raising children is very important. According to Mahler, father-child interaction initiates differentiation in the child, makes them independent, and gives them creativity. For the healthy development of children, they need to be in communication and interact (reading books, playing games, being a role model) with their fathers as well as their mothers. Interaction with the father has an important role in the child's intellectual, social-emotional, sexual role and identity development. It shows the child that there is another besides the mother. If the relationship between parents and children is not established, the language does not develop, the mind does not develop where the language does not develop, and if the mind does not develop, no invention emerges. The fact that advanced societies are advanced is not due to modern technologies, but to the fact that there are fathers who respect their mother. Father-child interaction improves children's social and emotional skills as well as their preparation for the outside world.
The main structure of personality is formed until the age of 6 years. Father-child communication affects the child's personality development. Children with this strong communication develop positive personality traits. A good father-child relationship strengthens the child's relationship with life.
While girls perceive the father more as a symbol of safety and trust, boys take the determination, patience, and perseverance of their fathers as an example.
Alo Yeditepe