Semra Ercan, M.D.

Specialist Doctor Semra Ercan, M.D.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Yeditepe University Bagdat Street Clinic

Faculty and Graduation Year

Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, 1982


Fields of Study

  • E.F.E.E. Exercise For Everyone Every age
  • General joint and muscle pains
  • Fibromyalgie
  • Cervical and lumbar disc hernia therapies
  • Shoulder joint muscles, tendons injuries
  • Hip joint muscles, tendons injuries
  • Knee joint meniscus,tendons and muscles injuries
  • Postoperative orthopedic rehabilitations

Career Summary

  • International Hospital İstanbul 1992 - 1998
  • Private Clinic Ownership 1998 - 2018

Place and Year of Specialization

GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital, 1989