Yeditepe Üniversity Hospitals, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialists say that spinal cord (spinal cord) injuries are a serious condition that can cause a number of complications in the early and late periods after the injury. They said that these complications can be managed with physiotherapy and rehabilitation and will increase the person's quality of life. They pointed out the importance of this treatment process, which provides many benefits, from the person gaining functional independence to sensory control.
Our Experts stated that complications in spinal cord injuries may occur over time and therefore regular follow-up is very important for early diagnosis. They said that the rehabilitation process may vary depending on the type of injury, severity and unique needs of the patient. They explained the importance and benefits of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, which are of critical importance in spinal cord injuries.
Our Experts explained that spinal cord injuries often cause paralysis and restrict the person's mobility, and they continued their word as follow, “Physiotherapy and rehabilitation help the patient reach the maximum level of independence. “This can help the person relearn and regain activities of daily living (bathing, eating, dressing, etc.)
Increases Muscle Strength
Our Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation specialists underline that physiotherapy is very important in preventing muscle mass loss, especially in unusable limbs. They said, “In addition, by strengthening the upper arm muscles, the patients’ ability to transfer theirselves from one place to another and the use of a wheelchair are provided and they said that " Partially paralyzed patients are supported in developing walking skills with traditional rehabilitation techniques or modern robotic rehabilitation programs,"
Our Experts say that long-term immobility or inadequate physical therapy may cause muscle shortening and joint stiffness (contracture) in these patients and as a result, loss of joint movement and muscle pain may occur in the patient. They continued their words as follows: "To prevent this, regular use of devices prescribed by a physical therapist for paralyzed limbs in the early stages and planned together with an orthotic prosthetist is very important to prevent these complications."
Our Experts underline that physical therapy forms the basis of treatment in spasticity (abnormal muscle tone). They continued their words "Medical medications prescribed by the physical therapist to reduce muscle tone, maintain mobility, improve care and comfort, botox injections to be applied to spastic muscles at 3-month intervals and the regular physiotherapy and exercise program which physician prescribed are the important stones of the fight against spasticity."
Our Experts said that since there are changes in sensory sensations such as touch, pain, temperature or vibration, sensory rehabilitation to be applied to the patient has a very important place in improving sensory functions. They gave the following information: “Positioning training to be given to patients and their relatives is very important in order to prevent skin problems such as bed sores or pressure ulcers caused by skin damage as a result of long-term lying or sitting. Intermittent skin integrity control training is life-saving to prevent life-threatening autonomic dysreflexia, which can occur when the patient does not feel situations such as ingrown nails or discomfort from the catheter.
Our Experts said that spinal cord injuries can sometimes cause chronic pain in patients. They said that the patient can be helped to relax and control pain through pain management with physical therapy agents, rehabilitation program and medical treatments. In addition, she pointed out that the respiratory and circulatory systems will be seeing beneficial effect in strengthening and optimizing by physiotherapy.
Our Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation specialists underline that the aim is to increase the independence of the person by improving his/her self-care skills through physiotherapy and rehabilitation. They gave the following information about other benefits of this treatment process for the patient: “Bladder and bowel rehabilitation program helps regain and manage bladder and bowel control. In addition, providing the patient with clean intermittent catheter use training is an important part of the rehabilitation process so that the patient can become independent in society and be protected from infections.
At the same time, an increased risk of osteoporosis and fracture is frequently observed in these patients as a result of rapid bone loss. Osteoporosis can be prevented with appropriate medical treatment and physiotherapy & exercise programs, such as having the patient stand up against gravity during the day. Rehabilitation physicians and physical therapists can also provide support to a person's psychosocial needs and support a person's emotional well-being. It is important in this process that the patient and his family have information about the disease and have access to resources. It is very important that the physical therapist checks the patient at regular intervals, monitors his progress, makes necessary adjustments to the treatment plan, and updates the assistive devices used by the patient.
As a result, spinal cord injury rehabilitation helps the patient achieve his or her best potential, prevents and treats complications, and allows the patient to achieve the highest level of independence while improving quality of life.
Alo Yeditepe