What is West Nile Virus?
West Nile Virus Fever, which is among the diseases that can be transmitted by mosquitoes, has been on the agenda again, especially in recent days. Since the disease has seasonal characteristics, it mostly occurs during the summer and early autumn. Since the weather in our country is still above seasonal norms, the risk of mosquitoes transmitting diseases continues.
How is West Nile Virus Transmitted?
West Nile virus, a viral disease, is usually transmitted by mosquito bites. It is also known that it can rarely be transmitted through blood transfusion and organ transplantation, and that there is a possibility of transmission to the baby during pregnancy in women.
It is more common in tropical, hot and humid regions, usually in places with reeds and puddles. Considering the season, the incidence of the disease increases in late summer and early autumn, as in the current period.
What are the symptoms of West Nile Virus?
People can go through the disease process without knowing that they are exposed to such a problem, that is, without symptoms. That is, not everyone who gets the virus through a mosquito bite becomes sick. In fact, more than half of the cases do not show symptoms. The majority of those who show symptoms experience symptoms similar to a mild cold. Therefore, it is very difficult to say an exact number about how many cases there were or are in our country.
The most prominent complaint of patients is high fever. However, while fever is observed in only 20 percent of cases, fever may not be observed in 40 percent of cases. Body ache, backache, headache, and muscle weakness are among the complaints seen with fever. Patients usually consult a physician with this picture. There is also a second situation, which can be much more dangerous and severe. In this case, the virus can involve the brain and meninges. In this case, in addition to the first symptoms, the patient experiences symptoms such as memory impairment, loss of consciousness, weakness in both arms and legs, and inability to walk. This condition, which occurs in one percent of all cases, is usually seen in people with suppressed immune systems.
Who is at Risk from West Nile Virus?
The disease can be more serious, especially in people over the age of 65 and in older people. Likewise, the disease may be more severe in people with uncontrolled diabetes, alcohol addiction, organ transplantation or cancer treatment.
Mild, outpatient infections are difficult to detect. Patients think they have a cold or the air conditioner hit them. However, if a persistent fever, severe headache, weakness in the arms and legs, inability to walk, blurred consciousness, loss of awareness of the patient's surroundings, loss of orientation, or a rash occur on the body, a doctor should be consulted.
How to Treat West Nile Virus?
There is no specific treatment for West Nile virus fever. There is usually symptomatic treatment. Therefore, there is no need to panic, especially in ambulatory patients. Complaints usually appear between 2 days and 2 weeks.
Involvement of the brain and meninges may mean that we are facing a serious problem. . In this case, depending on the complications that may occur and the severity of the disease, the patient may have sequelae and the rehabilitation period may be prolonged. Therefore, although the disease is rare, it can cause problems in terms of mortality and morbidity. It is important to ensure good vector control of this mode of transmission, which is important because it can be easily transmitted by mosquitoes, and for the country to create a policy for this, and to combat flies, especially in hot climates and suitable seasons.
What are the Ways to Protect from West Nile Virus?
In addition, individual precautions should also be taken. If you are going to areas where mosquitoes are present, such as picnic areas or watersides, long clothes should be preferred. Fly repellent should be used, especially pregnant women should be careful.
In Which Countries Is West Nile Virus Common?
West Nile Virus was also seen throughout the world and in regions close to us, Europe and the Middle East. Therefore, although we have heard its name more frequently in our country in recent years, it was most likely present in our country before. There are also publications reporting that it exists. Actually, this is all about awareness. As awareness about the disease increases, the frequency of diagnosis also increases.
• Mosquitoes Continue to Cause Disease in Some Countries
Malaria is one of the most important infections that can be transmitted by mosquitoes. However, some mosquito-borne infections are still important in different parts of the world. It would be beneficial for those traveling to tropical regions, especially in hot climates, to know what diseases exist in these countries and the precautions to be taken. Japanese encephalitis and Dengue fever are some of these diseases. Malaria is especially common in sub-Saharan Africa, India and tropical Asia. Most of the malaria cases seen in Turkey come from African and Asian countries. Therefore, it is important to take the necessary precautions against mosquitoes.
See Also
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