Stating that the most effective way to protect children from Covid-19 nowadays when schools open is to raise their awareness, Prof. Dr. Meral Sönmezoğlu pointed out that some measures must be continued...
Nowadays, when mask distance and hygiene measures are almost forgotten, children have started to spend more time in crowded and closed environments with the opening of schools. Stating that this may increase the risk of transmission of Covid-19 in the coming days, Prof. Dr. Meral Sönmezoğlu, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology at Yeditepe University Hospitals, emphasized the importance of personal precautions and gave the following advice to parents...
Even though summer is currently underway in the northern hemisphere, cases are spreading quickly worldwide. While there were close to 17 million cases in our nation, there were also more than 100,000 deaths. Over 46,000 cases per week and 6,000 cases per day are reported. This indicates that neither our nation nor the rest of the world has fully recovered from the pandemic period.
In our nation, as in other nations, the pandemic primarily affects people over the age of 65. Children are among the most impacted groups, obviously, along with the elderly. It might also be referred to as the second group. Currently, families are worried as the schools open: "What will happen if cases increase? How can we protect our children? '' Absolutely, despite not being the sickest and most severely afflicted group, children are still a risk for the spread of the disease since they are the ones that infect their families when they are ill. We have noticed that parents are being sick with their children in recent months, particularly during the summer.
The mask is one of the most frequent inquiries made by parents during this time. For youngsters during this time, wearing a mask is not advised. Children should be careful not to hug and kiss each other until the pandemic is stopped, whoever that may be.
Reminding children to wash their hands regularly and reinforcing this instruction are two steps that should be taken. It is crucial to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before and after using the restroom and before eating at school since there are much too many surfaces that are touched. When water and soap are not accessible, disinfectants should be used to clean hands.
Measles, rubella, and tetanus vaccines were not administered to children aged 6-7 years old when they were scheduled to when they started school because of the pandemic. There were also delays in young children's vaccines. Families and schools are responsible for checking and completing these.
Teachers and the school administration should tell parents that sick children should not attend school. Because children can spread the illness to their families as well as their other classmates.
To prevent illnesses in school, it is essential to nurture a child's immune system. The most crucial thing to do is stick to a nutritious diet. Children should be sent to school after breakfast. Children should consume enough of each food category during the day. To make sure they get the meals they skipped at home, ask them what they ate throughout the day when they get home from school.
Sleep is one of the things that keeps the immune system healthy. It is crucial to make sure children get enough, high-quality sleep. Water consumption is crucial for the immune system, along with a healthy diet and adequate sleep.
Being outside and exercising outside is crucial for children's health and disease prevention. Because children avoid sports at this time, we need to make sure they resume their participation.
If a handkerchief is not available, children who regularly sneeze owing to allergy conditions or flu illnesses should be instructed or reminded to cover their mouths and noses with their elbows instead of their hands.
Press Coverage: sozcu
Alo Yeditepe