Infectious Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Meral Sönmezoğlu listed the points to be considered in order to prevent the cases from increasing again due to complacency in the summer months.
In our country, especially with the opening of holiday tourism, the people did not comply with the mask, distance, and cleaning rules, which were constantly emphasized, coming together in mass entertainment (weddings, soldier farewell, etc.) and entertainment venues (restaurants, cafes, etc.) The intense crowds during the summer holidays, indoor entertainment, and hugs during the festive holidays resulted in an increase in the number of cases a week later and a rapid increase since August.
The numbers were alarming in September when the daily number of cases rose to over 1500. We are living in a period where education and social life cannot continue as usual. We can get through this period with the least damage as a society, only if we live rationally and in accordance with the rules.
In order to protect from the virus, the rules that the Ministry of Health will put into practice according to the increase in the number of cases should not be seen as a restriction of freedom, but as a national struggle. It is very important to adopt wearing a mask when leaving the house as the most effective method of protection from the disease, to ensure that the mask covers both the mouth and nose, not to touch the mouth and nose with hands, to wash hands after contacting surfaces that everyone can touch or to clean them with hand disinfectant.
Do not stay closer than two meters from anyone. It can be difficult to comply with this rule in places such as elevators, buses, or waiting rooms. Therefore, if it is crowded, not taking the elevator, and using the stairs will be a much healthier option. Social communication is essential for people of all ages. However, avoiding crowds in indoor areas will save lives in the coming months.
It should not be forgotten that those who do not have any signs of disease can also transmit the disease and the rules cover everyone.
We share what we should pay attention to when we return home from the workplace or market to protect ourselves from the coronavirus.
However, after coming from outside, hands should be washed first, then the products you have bought should be cleaned and then hands should be washed again.
Remember, the transmission of the virus to you from dirty surfaces is only possible if you contaminate your mouth, nose, and eyes. For this reason, the virus cannot make you sick unless you touch your mouth and nose with your hands, even if your head is contaminated while you are on the street.
Alo Yeditepe