Acupuncture is a natural method that can be easily applied to every healthy individual for stress control and general balance in order to strengthen the immune system.
The term acupuncture originates from Latin and is used in Western languages as a combination of the words acus (needle) puncture (pierce-dip). In China, it is referred to as Zhen-Jiu, which means that the needle is rotated by hand. Acupuncture is the technique of immersing various sizes and various metal needles (gold, silver, steel) in certain points of the body and then rotating them by hand, stimulating them with electric current, giving heat, or stimulating the same points with a laser beam (with or without a needle).
Acupuncture is very important primarily in the field of preventive medicine. Although it has a role in preventing diseases, it is also used in the treatment of many diseases today. It is also a traditional medical method that can be safely applied complementary to the patient's current treatment. The main purpose here is not to treat the symptoms or consequences of diseases, but to treat the root cause, to correct the flow of energy imbalances. In acupuncture sessions, the application is made to the ear and/or body according to the prediction of the practitioner.
Living beings in the universe have the power to heal themselves thanks to their strong immune systems and the factors that support them. Without the power to heal, pharmacological drugs or other treatment methods alone are not sufficient to protect the body or to heal it completely. In this sense, people should be approached holistically. When we consider the human being as a being consisting of a body-mind-spirit trio, it is better understood that the blocks that occur in circulation are the source of some imbalances. The purpose of treatment in acupuncture is not to eliminate complaints or certain findings, but to eliminate the underlying causes that cause the disease by offering the patient the opportunity to treat themselves.
Medical massage and oxygen therapy can also be added to acupuncture while providing this support. Because acupuncture sessions and other complementary natural methods support each other.
Laser needle pain frequencies are used in severe acute and chronic pain situations, especially at local and symptomatic acupuncture points. Since it is a "needle-free" method, it can be easily applied to children. It also has a safe and comfortable therapeutic feature in children with asthma, respiratory diseases, and those with impaired focus and concentration in their classes. It is especially used in wound treatment in decubitus ulcers, skin sores, circulatory tissues, nerve pain in root compression, sports trauma, all diseases within the scope of acupuncture treatment, smoking cessation, and weight control.
The method is applied by giving current to the inserted acupuncture needles. Frequencies are determined by the person's discomfort. Electro Acupuncture is used in neck, shoulder, lower back, knee, and leg pain, facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica, polio (within the first 6 months), and chest muscle pain. At the same time, this method is also used in weight loss lipolysis and cellulite and smoking cessation procedures.
Electro Acupuncture is an auxiliary technique in the treatment of all diseases that fall into the treatment indications. It is based on the electrostimulation of acupuncture and trigger points (both body and ear application) with acupuncture needles.
Acupuncture is a natural method that can be easily applied to every healthy individual for stress control and general balance in order to strengthen the immune system.
• Neck-waist hernia
• Fibromyalgia
• Back pain
• Neck calcification
• Knee pain, calcification
• Ankle pains, calcifications
• Sciatalgia (sciatica)
• Torticollis (neck muscle spasm)
• Tennis elbow; golfer's elbow
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Shoulder-wrist pain, calcifications
• Hip joint pain, calcification
• Rheumatoid arthritis (auxiliary, maintenance treatment)
• Coccyx pain
• Psychogenic pains
• Jaw joint pains; tooth grinding
• Heel spur
• Tendonitis-bursitis
• Support for all autoimmune rheumatologic pain
• Acute, chronic gastritis and reflux
• Constipation-diarrhea
• Acute and chronic ulcers and their maintenance, ancillary treatment
• Intraoral wounds
• Acute and chronic pharyngitis
• Nausea-vomiting
• Stomach hyperacidity
• Bile flow disorders
• Ulcerative colitis- auxiliary to chronological disease
• Gingivitis (gingivitis)
• Pain after tooth extraction
Heart and Circulatory System DiseasesAkupunktur
• Hypertension-hypotension (essential)
• Raynaud's syndrome
• Enuresis nocturna (nighttime bedwetting)
• Urinary incontinence
• Prostate syndromes
• Urinary bladder diseases
• Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
• Frigidity (sexual coldness)
• Menstrual irregularity, painful menstrual pain, premenstrual syndrome
• Thyroid hormone dysregulation
• Diabetes (insulin-independent Type2)
• Excessive sweating
• Loss of appetite- eating too much
• Menopause complaints
• Acne
• Urticaria and allergic dermatitis
• Eczema
• Shingles, sequelae
• Smoking addiction
• Mild to moderate depression
• Psychogenic obesity/weight control
• Hysteria
• Insomnia (insomnia)
• Chronic fatigue syndrome
• Night cramps, leg pains, contractions (restless leg syndrome)
• Loss of appetite- eating too much
• Concentration disorder
• Pre-test stress
• Anxiety, fear, excitement, mood disorder
Alo Yeditepe