Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Clinic has received gratifying results in acute leukemia. "Awareness on this issue should be increased in our country and a sense of pity and hopelessness should not be allowed to occur."
Leukemia ranks first among childhood cancers. While chronic leukemia is more common in adults, the type of leukemia seen in children is usually acute leukemia. Chronic leukemia is less common during this period. Stating that the most important criterion in the fight against this issue is the increase in awareness with accurate information, our expert made important statements on the subject.
Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Clinic Responsible, pity, and despair should not occur throughout society about the disease, especially in childhood leukemias
Leukemia Is Not Inherited
According to the information given by our specialist, there is no single cause of leukemia, but somefactors can help in the development of the disease. Our expert, who says that it is necessary to stay away from chemical toxic substances and ionizing radiation, says: “Leukemia is not an inherited disease. For this reason, the presence of disease in parents does not mean that it will also be seen in children. However, the incidence of leukemia may increase in some hereditary diseases.
What Are the Symptoms of Leukemia?
Stating that acute leukemia usually occurs with a rapidly developing picture, our specialist also added: “Leukemia (tumor) cells that invade the bone marrow render the bone marrow and the cells in it inoperable. The white blood cells in the bone marrow that protect us from infections are reflected, and red blood cells cannot be produced. As a result, due to the anemia that begins to develop, the child becomes a loss of appetite, becomes pale in color, gets tired quickly, and becomes sluggish. Then, fever and infection occur because leukocytes, which we call body-protective soldier cells, cannot be produced. However, as the blood-stopping blood platelets (thrombocytes) decrease and cannot be made, tiny red rashes appear in the body and sometimes large dark bruises called “ecchymosis” appear. Painless swellings can be seen in the lymph nodes, mostly in the neck.''
However, the pediatric oncology specialist pointed out that the rise of fever or the enlargement of lymph nodes on both sides of the neck, or the appearance of rashes in the body do not support leukemia. “In many viral infections, lymph nodes in the neck may swell, fever and weakness may develop. Therefore, families should not immediately feel fear and panic by thinking of "leukemia". Other important findings are bone pain in the child and his inability to step on the ground with his foot, and it is necessary to be careful as this situation can be confused with bone pain in adulthood."
The Type of Acute Leukemia Must Be Determined
Although leukemia occurs at any age, it is more common between the ages of 2 and 5 in childhood. Patients who are suspected of diagnosis are examined in a complete blood table. However, since leukemia is cancer originating from the bone marrow, the definitive diagnosis can be made by examining the bone marrow in pathology, genetics, and flowing cell meter laboratories, says the pediatric oncologist and continues: "In this way, it is determined whether it is myeloblastic or acute lymphoblastic. In addition, we determine the risk group of the patient by reading the identity of the tumor cell at the molecular level with advanced technical methods. The risk classification is very important for the patient to be decisive in the selection of the treatment to be started.”
Children Respond Well to Treatment
Stating that the treatment of childhood leukemia is chemotherapy, the Head of the Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Center of Yeditepe University Hospital gave the following information about the treatment approach: "At the beginning of the disease, “Remission Induction Therapy", that is, attack therapy, is applied. This period is a treatment of 4-8 weeks and must be done by being hospitalized. The next process is reinforcement therapy, done both at home and hospital. Afterward, maintenance treatment is carried out by coming from home to the hospital. The child responds to treatment and begins to recover, but we follow the disease at the molecular level. Because having a minimal level of illness is an alarm signal for us.”
With the diagnosis, our specialist said that the treatment process of the disease started a long and difficult process for both the child and his/her parents, but in order to overcome this process, it is necessary to be strong. "This can be a trauma for the family. However, it should not be forgotten that the results obtained from leukemia treatments today are quite gratifying.
85% of Patients in the Standard Risk Group Become Healthy Again
Our expert, who stated there is a misconception that stem cells are not applied immediately to patients with leukemia, gave the following information: “In acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 85 percent of pediatric patients in the standard risk group recover with chemotherapy alone. Stem cell transplantation can only be applied to patients in the high-risk group. Therefore, stem cell transplantation is not the cure for every childhood leukemia. The cells mentioned in stem cell transplantation are hematopoietic stem cells produced in the bone marrow. In stem cell transplantation, the sibling who shares the same genetic inheritance from the mother and father is the most ideal stem cell donor. We also define it as a 'tissue type compatible sibling' sickle. Today, we transplant stem cells from family or unrelated voluntary-compatible donors to our patients who do not have compatible siblings.”
Our specialist also added the following: “I invite every healthy individual to become a stem cell donor by making an important call. The more donors there are, the higher the chance of transplant and recovery for our patients who do not have a family donor. My last message to the families of our children diagnosed with leukemia is, "Please do not panic about leukemia, Remember that today is a disease with high success in treatment with chemotherapy, we are always with them in this long and difficult process, trust us."
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