What is Predisposition to Allergy (Atopy)?
Atopy means that a person is sensitive to something or prone to allergies. In fact, our genetic codes determine whether you will be atopic or not, but it occurs when some environmental factors are encountered. “Atopic” means “being sensitive.”
What is the Difference Between Atopy and Allergy?
If any 100 people who are not known to have allergies are tested for allergy, 20-30 people will be more or less positive for some of the substances tested. This indicates that the person is sensitive to that substance. Allergy means whether or not to react when encountered with this. So, for example, in an allergy test, a person's hazelnut test may seem positive, but if the person does not experience any complaints when he/she eats the hazelnut, this means that he/she is atopy, only that he/she is sensitive. However, if the person develops a rash, itching, or any symptoms of allergic disease such as shortness of breath when he/she eats hazelnuts, the presence of allergy is in question.
Who Gets Atopy?
If a person has genes related to atopy in his/her genetic codes, it may develop atopy at any time in his/her life. In order for it to emerge, this substance must be encountered environmentally. For example, a person may have an atopy gene for mango. However, if this person has never eaten mango in his/her life, he/she will not experience mango allergy.
What are the symptoms of atopy?
Atopy does not have any symptoms unless it turns into an allergic disease. Only blood or skin allergy tests are positive. However, there is a symptom of allergy. If there is sensitivity to something and there are complaints about it, then it means that there is an allergy.
What is Allergy?
Allergy, sensitivity to anything, that is, in the presence of atopy, when this substance is encountered, the so-called allergic disease symptoms; on the skin; problems such as rash, itching, redness and swelling. In the respiratory tract; shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, runny nose, sneezing, nasal itching, nasal congestion. In the eyes; flushing, bleeding, itching, watering or irritation in the intestines; It may occur as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and inability to gain weight.
What Are Common Allergens That Cause Allergies?
It is possible to classify the factors that cause allergy according to age groups. Food allergies such as eggs, milk, wheat, nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews and almonds are generally observed in babies under the age of 2. As we get older, especially nuts, peanuts and seafood begin to come to the fore. In addition, house dust mites, pollens and mold fungi, which are called respiratory allergens, are also important allergens in adults, especially children over the age of 4 and adults.
What are the Common Methods Used in the Treatment of Atopy and Allergies?
First of all, stay away from the thing that you are allergic to or have atopy. The first principle of treatment in allergy is to stay away from the substance to which you are allergic or atopy, before taking medication. If you are allergic to cats, stay away from cats; if you are allergic to hazelnuts, stay away from hazelnuts. Then we move on to drug treatment. We provide disease-controlling, relaxing treatments, which we call symptomatic treatment. In addition, we need to strengthen epigenetic factors. So, here's how to stay away from processed foods, stay away from cigarette smoke, eat rich in probiotics, stay away from stress, and adjust your circadian rhythm well. All of these play a role in the treatment of allergic diseases.
What Can Atopic Individuals Do to Prevent Allergic Diseases?
It can stay away from things that cause atopy and regulate the environmental factors we just mentioned. People need to stay away from anything they have atopy for. If the person does not react when faced with the thing he or she has atopy for, and if it does not turn into a disease, no prevention is done. For example, egg atopy has been detected, but if there is no reaction when consuming this product, eggs are not removed from the diet. Because eggs are a very important constructive protein for growth and development, and therefore they are very valuable. Therefore, it is necessary not to deprive the child. However, environmental conditions such as air pollution and humidity need to be regulated.
As a result, in the presence of atopy, it is important that parents should not restrict life for both themselves and their children, and not cause other diseases by negatively affecting the child's growth and development with unnecessary diets.
Frequently Asked Questions About Atopy
So just because you're not allergic to something doesn't mean you won't have an allergic disease. Allergic disease can occur without atopy or allergy.
However, some environmental factors are irritating. In other words, although it cannot be detected in tests, it causes the disease to be triggered. Smells such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, humidity, and food smell are all environmental factors. In addition, consumption of processed foods and impaired intestinal flora are also among the environmental factors. Environmental factors facilitate the emergence of allergic diseases. These factors are defined as epigenetics. In other words, it is not genetic, but it stimulates those genetic structures in a way that mimics them and causes the disease to occur.
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