Nutrition-Diet and Phytotherapy Specialist Buket Ertaş Sefer advised "If you eat late in the evenings or even snack until you fall asleep, give up this habit as soon as possible" and explained the health benefits of going to bed at night with an empty stomach.
Nowadays, changing living conditions were disrupted our day-night balances. This change affected our eating, drinking and sleeping hours the most. People eat late in the evening, and those who sleep late snack until midnight. However, experts point out that this situation causes serious problems, from weight gain to blood sugar imbalance. So, what time should we eat dinner at the latest for a healthy life? How does eating early affect our health? Is it right to let children eat and drink before going to bed?
Here are the answers given by Nutrition-Diet and Phytotherapy Specialist Buket Ertaş Sefer to these questions:
What time should we eat at the latest?
There are many advantages to sleeping on an empty stomach at night. People who can spend the hours between 23.00 and 16.00 with quality sleep can benefit more from the efficiency of night fasting. If a person goes to bed at 23.00 and does not eat after 18.00-19.00, it will contribute to hunger. After 18.00 in the evening, ensuring that the digestive system relaxes, our blood sugar and insulin secretion decrease, and preparing for quality sleep with caffeine-free drinks are one of the best habits for the body.
If you feel hungry after dinner, that is, after 19.00, a food that will not raise insulin too much can be preferred. For example, it could be vegetables with high water content such as cucumber, a few pieces of carrots, or a glass of buttermilk drink. In summary, foods that do not contain sugar (including fruit sugar) can be preferred.
Is it Proper for Children to Eat and Drink Before Sleeping?
We can accept a 12-hour fast for children instead of the 14-16 hour fast we recommend for adults. You may think that drinking milk and snacks before going to bed at night will be better for them. However, it is useful to remember that growth hormone is secreted especially at night and at the same time we do not want the digestive system to work too much. If children whose hunger we can create at night can eat enough during the day (get the necessary calories and protein), there is no benefit in consuming anything before going to sleep.
How Does Sleeping on an Empty Stomach Affect Our Health?
Not eating late at night and sleeping on an empty stomach has many health benefits. We can list them as follows:
Balances Growth Hormone
Eating early ensures normal release of growth hormone. This hormone helps increase muscle mass and strengthen bones. It supports height growth in children. It also reduces the risk of diabetes by regulating glucose metabolism. It contributes to healthy aging and looking young. Fat burning increases and weight control is achieved. Like all hormones, it is important that it is released in sufficient amounts. Control of hormone secretion must be achieved through medical supervision and necessary examinations. You must consult a pediatrician to monitor the development and growth of children.
Strengthens Immunity
The digestive system, which works calmly during night fasting, allows the immune system to function. T lymphocytes are renewed throughout the night, autophagy occurs, that is, the body clears damaged cells to obtain new and healthier cells. Resistance to autoimmune diseases increases.
Prevents Dysmnesia
BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which plays an important role in brain health, functions much better during night fasting. This protein, which supports learning, memory and a healthy nervous system, is very important for general health. In other words, hunger also provides an advantage in protecting our brain health.
Reduces Insulin Resistance
Insulin produced in excessive amounts that has lost its function increases inflammation in the body and promotes weight gain. Limiting food intake at night prevents excess insulin production, increases insulin-cell sensitivity, and prevents diabetes.
Prevents Intra-Abdominal Liposis
Fat tissues, especially in the belly area, can be a harbinger and trigger of diseases. It is known as the archenemy of the most common chronic diseases. Limiting food consumption at night and reducing the released insulin levels will also reduce fat around the organs.
Provides Weight Loss
Sleeping with a slight hunger, especially at night, without feeling full, causes the storage glycogen and fats to decrease, which will therefore support weight loss. Our bodys uses blood fats, i.e. triglycerides for energy during fasting. Night fasting also reduces the risk of heart disease as it prevents organ fat accumulation over time, causes weight loss, and reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides (blood fats).
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