“Transition to complementary nutrition” means that the breastfed baby receives new nutrients appropriate for his/her age and developmental stages, receives balanced and adequate nutrition with a variety of nutrients, and becomes able to feed himself/herself. While breast milk alone is sufficient in the first 6 months of life, it is continued to be given with supplementary foods until at least 2 years of age. During this period, your baby's neck and back muscles are getting ready to sit without support. Muscles in the face and jaw also become able to perform the chewing process. However, he/she can initially push the food with his/her tongue. This is due to his/her inability to fully collect his/her tongue.
Do not think that your baby does not like supplementary foods because of these movements. This movement will improve towards the 7th month.
Morning: Breast milk
Intermediate Meal: Yogurt or fruit puree
Noon: Meat and vegetable puree, breast milk
Intermediate Meal: Yogurt or fruit puree
Evening: Breast milk
Breast milk should be continued as an essential food. In babies who receive breast milk, the meals are kept in half portions and the baby continues to breastfeed after soups and yogurts. Continue your meals as 5 meals. In babies with poor appetite, sometimes intermediate meals can be skipped. Some days the number of meals may be reduced to 4. The important thing is not that your baby eats a lot, but that he/she gets enough daily nutrients.
In the 7th month, 1/8 of the egg yolk is tasted on the first try. Then, it is gradually increased to reach half egg yolk in 4 days and full egg yolk in 8 days. Then 1 egg yolk can be given every day. Egg yolk is not given raw or undercooked, and it should be waited to reach the consistency of an apricot.
06.00: Breast milk
09.00: Breakfast, breast milk
12.00: 2/3 bowls of cereal and vegetable puree with minced meat, breast milk
15.00: Breast milk
18.00: Yogurt/fruit puree, breast milk
Night: Breast milk
06.00: Breast milk
09.00: Breakfast, breast milk
12.00: 2/3 bowls of cereal and vegetable puree with minced meat, meatballs/fish, breast milk
15.00: Yogurt
18.00: Fruit puree, breast milk
Night: Breast milk
Morning: 1 tea glass of fruit juice, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of molasses, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 thin slice of bread, finely ground walnuts, salt-free cheese
Intermediate Meal: Fruit puree
Noon: Vegetable purees with minced meat, stuffing, meatballs with vegetables, legume purees, 1 slice of bread crumb with cooking water
Afternoon: Yogurt
Evening: Same as noon
Alo Yeditepe