There is no definitive cure for asthma. However, emphasizing that the disease can be controlled with lifestyle changes and regular use of drugs, Yeditepe University Hospitals Chest Diseases Specialist Asst. Prof. Dr. Seha Akduman made important recommendations in this regard.
Asthma is seen on average in one in 10 adults and children in our country. In recent years, it has been increasing in both children and adults. Stating that the disease, which causes loss of lung function in undiagnosed and untracked patients over the years, also reduces the quality of life, Chest Diseases Specialist Asst. Prof. Dr. Seha Akduman made the following statements as part of World Asthma Day on May 2:
Asthma is a chronic disease characterized by hypersensitivity in the airways. Hypersensitivity in the airways (bronchi) causes narrowing of the airways, increased sputum production and persistent cough as a result of inflammation (inflammation). Asthma patients who smoke and remain untreated exhibit COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) characteristics. Allergens are substances that are harmless to our body but can cause a reaction of the immune system in susceptible people.
80% of asthma in children and 50% in adults is caused by allergies. The most common allergens are pollen, house dust mites, mold spores, cockroaches, animal hair and foods such as eggs, peanuts, fish, wheat, soy. There are many risk factors such as genetic predisposition, obesity, having an allergic body, and exposure to occupational harmful particles. However, air pollution and smoking are among the factors that cause stress or emotional changes, especially exercise and cold air asthma attacks in uncontrolled asthma.
Complaints in asthma patients usually come in the form of seizures. The most important symptoms are shortness of breath, cough, feeling of pressure in the chest, and shortness of breath after exposure to odor, dust, smoke, and allergen. These symptoms, which may vary depending on the seasons, usually occur at night or in the morning. Coughs appear in the morning, in the form of stubborn attacks, sometimes with wheezing. The feeling of not having enough breath is also very common among patients.
Since asthma is a chronic disease, there is no definitive cure. However, it is possible to achieve full control with appropriate treatment. The basic principle is cascade treatment. Medications are divided into therapeutic and short-acting rescue drugs. Therapeutic agents should be decided under the control of the physician, and the patient should be told in which situations the rescue drugs should be used. Patient education is of great importance especially for the early start of attack treatment. It should be kept in mind that patients who are neglected and not under full control for many years will develop permanent damage over the years and their lung capacity will decrease irreversibly.
Be aware of the factors that cause attacks and avoid them.
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Alo Yeditepe