For years, we have been confused about water since a dialogue between the deaf about what the best water temperature should be for our health. Some say warm water as soon as you get up. Some say cold water breaks down fats and accelerates metabolism, and some say hot water burns fats. So, which is healthier? Should we drink hot water or cold water? Or does the temperature of the water have no importance at all? Is there any scientific basis for all this?
So, does the temperature of the water we drink really play a role in our health and weight loss, or does it not matter? Yeditepe University Hospitals Internal Medicine Specialist Dr.Mehmet Akif Öztürk answered the questions.
Weight loss is an issue that many people are interested in today. There is a relationship between the consumption of water, which is the building block of vitality, and not only healthy and balanced nutrition but also weight control. Water temperature has different effects on weight control. Hot water stimulates the intestinal conduction system and accelerates digestion. In addition, when we drink cold water, our body will spend extra calories to reach its ideal temperature.
Considering a healthy life in general, the amount of water to be taken daily is different according to age, weight, height, and even the temperature of the place we are in. For example, while the amount of water that an elderly individual with many additional diseases should take is less, the amount of water that a young athlete should take is more. In general, my advice is to consume water at least 15 minutes before meals or at least 30 minutes after meals and to consume water at normal room temperature.
Yes, there is such a difference. Cold water has been found to leave the stomach faster than hot or warm water. However, we need more qualified studies to reveal this difference on an average per-minute basis.
Since warm and hot water stays in the stomach for longer, it will occupy the stomach more and suppress the feeling of hunger quickly. But keeping weight control by just drinking hot water? This is not possible. Please remember that many factors affect appetite, such as insulin resistance.
The main factor in fat burning is physical activity and calorie deficit. Water temperature is like the spice of life. The important thing is to get enough water. However, hot water is known to facilitate the digestion of fat molecules.
As mentioned above, when we drink cold water, our body consumes extra calories. Although the cold water consumed burns an extra 8 kcal per cup to reach the ideal temperature of our body, this is not an important enough amount considering the number of calories taken and given daily.
With the increase in the temperature of the water consumed, the metabolic rate also increases. However, you should not drink excessively hot water. Because, unfortunately, oral cavity tongue and palate gastric tube injuries can be seen with hot water. In fact, the susceptibility to esophageal cancers may also increase with the long-term destruction caused by hot foods and water. Again, it should not be forgotten that tooth, gum damage, and tooth and throat pain can be seen with extremely cold water.
With water intake as much as our body needs, we can talk about these effects. Water is vital for the elimination of toxins formed in the body through the kidneys, skin, and respiratory tract. This creates an optimal bio-environment for all our organs. Herein, it is significant not to take enough water rather than the temperature of the water.
Alo Yeditepe