One of the most important factors for a quality and healthy life is a balanced and correct diet. Yeditepe University Hospitals Nutrition and Diet Department experts explained the points to be considered for this.
Starting the day with a good breakfast after a long sleep period gives our body the energy it needs throughout the day. A toast made of whole wheat flour, yogurt-fruit, muesli, oatmeal with milk, or other foods recommended by your dietitian is a good breakfast menu.
It is not difficult at all to take 30 minutes for exercise between your daily physical activities. You can take 10 minutes every hour to exercise while watching TV or doing your homework. Instead of using a minibus or taxi to see your friend, you can complete a certain distance by walking, cycling, or running. You can take the stairs instead of using the elevator.
Snack is one of the meals that should not be skipped in order to maintain blood sugar balance and increase the metabolic rate. You can choose different foods from different food groups. A glass of semi-skimmed milk and a couple of crackers, an apple, oatmeal, or a yogurt with a small fruit would be a healthy choice.
If you can't give up on hamburgers, french fries, and ice cream, control the frequency of eating these foods. Because your body also needs to get protein, carbohydrates, fat, and various vitamins and minerals from various foods such as Vitamin A-C, iron, and calcium.
Group activities with friends or family can be a lot of fun. Encourage your friends to group exercise with you on the weekends. These exercises can be activities such as cycling, basketball, walking together, and volleyball.
While these foods give you energy, they also contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Prefer whole wheat flour bread to white bread. Pasta and whole wheat rice are in the grain group.
Participate in physical activities practiced at school, at work, and in your community. They can be folklore and other group activities. These exercises increase both your school success and business success and make your body look better.
Organizing a healthy diet is like playing a puzzle. Each food has different characteristics. Some foods may contain more fat, sugar, or salt. Some do not have vitamins or fiber. It is how you choose these foods that makes a diet good or bad. The balance in selection is very important.
For example; You can take care of consuming a menu of fatty foods at lunch and pass other meals lighter. However, be sure to stay within the recommended amount. If two slices of pizza are recommended, avoid the third slice.
You can make physical activities suitable for you an adventure, by choosing healthy foods,
You can try new physical activities as well as new foods. Believe that you will realize that you are stronger, you look better, and you feel better. Have good goals in your life and never give up on them.
In order for the hormones to work correctly in your body, it is necessary to pay attention to the sleep hours. Sleep is one of the most important functions of human life. Good sleep improves one's quality of life during the day. We should get up at 07:00 at the earliest and go to bed at 23:30 at the latest. If we wake up late, our digestive system will not work well and we will feel bad because the hormones of depression kick in.
60% of our weight is water. It transports nutrients to cells. It regulates digestion.
It is found in bones, teeth, and blood. It ensures the use of energy, especially in young people.
They take part in cell production and repair, fighting infection, and strengthening the blood. Proteins are made of amino acids. Especially the 8 amino acids are very important.
Alo Yeditepe