The menopause period, when the woman's menstrual cycle ends and cannot conceive, manifests itself with various symptoms. Reminding that the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones is the basis of these symptoms, Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Prof. Dr. Rukset Attar said that menopause is a process that takes 3-5 years, including before and after the period itself, and manifests many symptoms.
There should be no menstrual bleeding for 12 months in order for the diagnosis of menopause to be definite. However, this period can last between 3-5 years. In some women, the menopause period can be as long as 8 years. Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Prof. Dr. Rukset Attar, said that besides known symptoms such as hot flashes and menstrual irregularities, it also manifested itself with lesser known complaints such as urinary tract infection. "A woman can understand that she will enter menopause, based on the symptoms that occur in her body," said Prof. Dr. Attar and gave the following information: “The menopause period is evaluated in three stages. The first period is the period from the onset of menopausal symptoms called “perimenopause” to postmenopause. The second period is "Menopause", i.e. the last menstrual period. The third and last period is the period called "postmenopause" between the last menstrual bleeding and old age. "
Explaining that many physical and psychological changes occur in the person during menopause, Prof. Dr. Rukset Attar, pointed out that although some women enter this period with little or no discomfort, generally 6 symptoms are very important. She listed the symptoms in question as follows.
Changes in Menstrual Period Differ Based on the Person
Menstrual periods becoming heavier, prolonged, lighter or irregular is one of the first indications that the person will enter menopause.Prof. Dr. Rukset Attar explained that these differences in the menstrual period can vary depending on factors such as the person's structure, genetical characteristics, number of births, and whether the birth is normal or cesarean section.
Urinary Tract Infection is More Common in Women with Diabetes During Menopause
Drawing attention to the fact that urinary tract infections are more common during menopause, Prof. Dr. Rukset Attar said, “The lack of estrogen hormone can cause urinary tract infections. Dryness in the vagina and urethra (external urinary tract), pain during sexual intercourse, burning while urinating and frequent urination are observed. With age, the bladder begins to lose both its volume and elasticity, and the need for frequent urination begins here. Due to the weakening of the genital walls, the urethra can become thinner and bacteria can reach the bladder more easily due to this situation. Therefore, due to the aging of women, urinary tract and kidney infections are more common”.
Drawing attention to the fact that this risk started to increase in women within four or five years after the last menstrual period, Prof. Dr. Rukset Attar pointed out that people with certain chronic diseases such as diabetes or those with recurrent chronic diseases are more prone to urinary incontinence. Reminding that managing this situation is possible with treatment, Prof. Dr. Rukset Attar said women should not see this as a result of aging.
Sudden Hot Flushes are One of the Longest Lasting Complaints
Sudden hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms of menopause. Stating that this process caused by the decrease in estrogen hormone started in the "perimenopause" period, about 2 years before menopause, Prof. Dr. Rukset Attar continued her words as follows: “This complaint continues during menopause and ends in postmenopause. Increases in body temperature, known as sudden hot flashes seen during menopause, can also lead to excessive sweating, especially during sleep at night".
Negative Psychological Effects Intensify During Perimenopause
During the menopause period, again due to the decrease in estrogen hormone, depression, severe anxiety or unstable, unbalanced behavior can be seen in the person. Stating that some women, especially in the perimenopausal period, may experience complaints such as crying crises, mood swings, and feeling depressed, Prof. Dr. Rukset Attar also said that some women could be angry and more sensitive than normal, without knowing the reason.
Focusing Problems are Temporary
Focus and memory decline significantly during menopause. It may be difficult to remember or pay attention to different things. Saying that stress is an important factor in this type of focus and memory decline, Yeditepe University Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Prof. Dr. Rukset Attar gave the following information:
“Many women who have problems with focus and memory during menopause fear that they will have Alzheimer's within a few years. However, these complaints are periodic. They don't have to worry about
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