Fallopian tubes originate from both sides of uterus and act as a path between ovaries and uterus. One egg (oocyte) released by right and left ovaries in each month pass through these tubes into the uterine cavity. Blockage or dysfunction of these tubes lead to infertility – a condition called tubal factor.
Infections are the most common cause of infertility secondary to tubal factor. Other common etiologies are endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted diseases (primarily Chlamydia and Gonorrhea), ectopic pregnancy and past history of surgery. All these conditions may damage tubes.
In some cases, it may be possible to repair the tubes with laparoscopic surgery. Assisted reproductive technologies are considered for patients who do not respond to this method. Hydrosalpinx (accumulation of fluid in these tubes) decreases chance of pregnancy, as the fluid that accumulates in lumen of these tubes flows into the uterine cavity. In this case, communication of the tube with the uterus is stopped through a laparoscopic surgery or the tube is removed, before in vitro fertilization therapy is started.
Alo Yeditepe