Baby's Bath
The skin of the newborn baby is covered with a white, waxy, protective, and slippery substance called vernix, which does not need to be cleaned immediately after birth. In our institution, 24 hours after your baby is born, a bath is given and you are given bath training. Babies can be bathed every day. Since newborn babies lose heat rapidly when naked, the room temperature should be 24-26 degrees before giving a bath and the baby's clothes should be prepared in advance.
The bath water temperature should be 36 - 37 degrees. The temperature of the water can be controlled with the inside of the wrist. The baby's body should be washed first, then the head. Bathing should be done before feeding. Because bathing the baby right after feeding may cause him/her to vomit.
Body Temperature and Fever in Babies
Ear, under the tongue, buttocks, and armpits are temperature measurement points. Armpit measurements are 0.5 degrees lower than other measurements. It is technically difficult to measure sublingually in children under the age of 2-2.5. Ear degrees can be measured in seconds. However, you need to make sure that the tip fits well in your baby's ear canal. You must have a thermometer that you can use comfortably at home. You can measure your baby's temperature twice a day. If it is above 38 degrees, you can consult your doctor.
Cold hands and feet do not mean that your baby feels cold.
Baby's Sleep Pattern and Sleeping Positions
Babies do not have a regular sleep period in the first month. It is the healthiest sleeping position for the baby to alternately lie on the right and left sides, supporting the back. Since there is no head control in newborn babies, it is inconvenient to lay them face down.
Baby Massage
Massage is an effective communication tool that strengthens the emotional bond between baby and mother and supports physical and psycho-social development. It has been used in the protection of health and the treatment of diseases in different cultures throughout history. It has been demonstrated by many studies that massage is beneficial and necessary in reducing health problems, protecting health in every period of human life. Massage is an important intervention that can be easily beneficial for babies and children with both its physical and clinical effects and its biochemical effects.
Baby massage is important for the baby's health, quality of life, and mother-infant communication. It improves muscle strength. It supports physical development. It helps regulate the circulation, respiratory and digestive system and helps the baby relax and sleep. It increases mobility. It strengthens the body's defense system. It allows the baby to be fed with breast milk for a longer time.
Preparation for Baby Massage
The place where the massage is performed should be warm (24-26 ° C) and quiet, and there should be no airflow so that the baby does not get cold. A blanket or similar soft cover should be placed on the floor. There should be no objects near the baby that could fall on him/her, especially hot drinks should not be kept near the baby. The person who will do the massage should remove their jewelry and cut their nails short to protect the baby whose skin is very sensitive. Afterward, the baby should be undressed and laid on the prepared cover.
Before starting the massage, if the baby's bottom is dirty, it should be changed. The person who will do the massage should wash their hands with warm water and warm their hands. Baby oil or body lotion, which makes the massage comfortable, should be placed nearby and the hands and body of the baby should be lubricated before starting.
Talking or singing to the baby in a soft voice during the entire massage will affect the mother-baby interaction more positively.
Facial Massage
The fingers are placed in the middle of the baby's forehead and massage is done from there to the temples. The eyelids are gently rubbed towards the temples. The nose is rubbed against the cheeks by pressing it lightly. The mouth is rubbed in the direction of the ears as if making a smile so that it comes towards the gums. Massage is done gently from the chin to the back of the ear.
Chest Massage
The hands are placed in the middle of the chest, and the palms are lightly pressed towards the armpits and descended as if straightening a book page. The hands are shifted back and forth from the middle of the chest to the opposite shoulder.
Arm Massage
The baby's arm is lifted. The armpits are rubbed. The area from the shoulder to the wrists is rubbed and massaged first with one hand and then with the other. With the same technique, the procedure is repeated this time from the wrist to the shoulder. The baby's arm is taken into the palm and rubbed in circular movements (twisting motion). Hands are opened and each finger is rubbed in turn. The same procedure is applied to the other arm.
Abdominal Massage
The hands are pulled towards the baby's belly like pulling sand. The legs are lifted in the air, bent at the knees, and pressed against the belly. While doing the same procedure on the baby's belly with one hand, the legs are held by the other hand and pressed against the belly. The massage is finished by moving the tips of the fingers from left to right.
Leg Massage
The baby's leg is lifted. His/her leg is rubbed towards the ankles, first with one hand and then with the other. With the same technique, the procedure is repeated this time from the wrist to the hip. The leg is held from the wrist with the fingertips of both hands, while the hands are parallel. From the hip to the wrist, the area is rubbed by moving the hands in the opposite direction. Then the same procedure is continued towards the hip. The inward circular twisting motion applied to the arms is also applied to the leg. The sole is rubbed from the heel to the toes. Each toe is rubbed one by one. The upper part of the foot is rubbed from the ankle to the toes.
Back Massage
The baby is laid face down on a pillow or blanket. The hand is held in the middle of the back to form a right angle to the spine, and the whole back is massaged from the neck to the hips with a rubbing motion. Small circles are drawn on the back with fingertips.
Baby massage has an important role for the mother and baby to get to know each other and initiate and develop the relationship. The ideal time to massage the baby is one hour after feeding. Natural oils should be preferred for the massage to be effective. 15 minutes is sufficient as a massage time, in which both movements are repeated twice.