The nutritional needs vary due to the increasing body temperature in the summer months. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to many points related to nutrition from foods to be selected to the amount of liquid consumption in order to protect general health in summer temperatures. Especially in children in the risky group... Yeditepe University Hospital Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist listed the points to be considered in order to protect children against possible health problems in the summer…
Do not skip breakfast: As in all seasons, breakfast is the most important meal of the day in summer. Choose foods that are rich in iron, calcium, and carbohydrates, such as eggs, milk, and dairy products, for breakfast for children whose growth and development period continues.
Prepare a balanced eating program: As in every period of life, it is necessary to pay attention to a balanced diet in childhood. To do this, divide your child's plate into four and create a diet that includes food from each group. Avoid pasta, rice, and potatoes to prevent sudden sugar drops with increasing heat, and choose bulgur, or bran pasta instead. Also, keep in mind that opting for light and lean foods at meals and reducing portions can also help children eat more easily.
Make a snack habit: Since the appetite will decrease in the summer months, the meal breaks should be kept more frequently and the number of meals should be kept less, the Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist said, "The snack habit should definitely be made available to children. These meals should be supplemented with liquid foods and fruit. In addition, care should be taken to consume not only the juice of the fruits but also on their own."
Ensure adequate water consumption: Special attention should be paid to water consumption as the fluid loss occurs due to sweating in the heat. The most important indicator of whether children get enough water is the color of the urine. Very light yellow urine indicates adequate water intake.
Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist, who said that foods sold out in the summer should not be consumed because hot weather causes food to deteriorate quickly, listed the things to be considered to prevent diarrhea, which is one of the most common problems in children in the summer.
Alo Yeditepe